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Developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe

EIT RawMaterials is an Innovation Community within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which drives innovation across Europe to find solutions to pressing global challenges.

As the leading European actor in the raw materials sector, we are designing innovation strategies to bridge the gap between research, education and entrepreneurship.

We manage a range of start-up collaboration programmes – from open innovation challenges, hackathons and innovation days to co-creation programmes. We offer strong expertise in start-up scouting, and our extensive network in the local innovation ecosystems reaches across the raw materials value chain. Combined with our technical and market intelligence, EIT RawMaterials is ideally placed to develop Open Innovation initiatives across Europe.

Are you looking for an extra innovation push from a global, trusted brand like EIT RawMaterials?

Key facts


Businesses, universities

and research institutes


nd SMEs


years of 


EIT RawMaterials Innovation Community is a network of over 300 leading businesses, universities and research & technology organisations from across Europe. Since 2016 we have scouted and built an ecosystem of 400+ start-ups and SMEs with a focus on raw materials.


For Companies

Explore innovations

Connect with a Pan-European network of innovative startups and explore emerging technologies for your business needs. We help you sustain innovation and achieve quantifiable results for your applications.

Innovation Management

Increase your corporate innovation capacities and allocate resources according to your innovation strategy – insightful, timely and focused. We provide flexibility to adapt to your use case.

For Start-ups


We connect you with experts and entrepreneurs in the raw materials community. Your opportunity for long-term collaboration with industry leaders to validate your solution.


Opportunity to pitch or showcase in front of renowned industry leaders. Receive the recognition of experts and meet potential customers.

Our Partners and Clients

Let's get your Open Innovation initiative started!