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Start-up Scouting

We bridge the gap between start-ups and corporations

With access to our extensive partner and global start-up network, we make sure to scout the best-in-class innovators for your specific business case.

A collaboration between a start-up and an industrial organization can help to scale up an emerging technology and to reach go to market faster. The collaboration project can include prototyping, testing products/services on customers’ sites, and market expertise depending on the maturity level of the start-up. The aim is a long-term collaboration bringing mutual benefits.

What our clients say

During our very first call, we conducted a market study with a startup without knowing in which ways it would develop, and today we are preparing to sign our first joint venture with them for an innovative recycling solution. If you are an entrepreneur and you feel that there is more out there for your business, you should definitely apply.

Matthias Harms
CEO of Veolia Germany

Case Study

U-START Accelerator

Veolia is dedicated to helping startups grow by giving them the opportunity to engage directly in a co-innovation partnership. Depending on the start-up’s individual needs and level of maturity, we provide different up-scaling opportunities and tailored support. Since its beginning in 2016, the joint U-START initiative of Veolia and EIT RawMaterials has led to 15 start-up cooperations through 8 calls for project.

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Start-up Scouting?